From The Author

The SoCal Christian Writers’ Retreat

The SoCal Christian Writers’ Retreat

I had a chance to recharge my mental and emotional batteries at the SoCal Christian Writers’ Retreat. I got to Palomar Christian Conference Center, in northern San Diego County before breakfast.

The mountain-top experience gave me a chance to connect with well-respected authors who shared about how to grow closer to God, how write a compelling first chapter for a non-fiction book, and how to better promote my soon to be released children’s picture book.

During Kelly Herrell’s presentation entitled “Surrender Your Talents,” I was encouraged to reexamine my time, priorities, and dedication. Her message, based on Matthew 25:14-30, pointed out God-given talents are a privilege and come with responsibility. This reminded me of the sacred trust I have as an author to be a faithful servant and wisely use my talents.

Joseph Bentz, an English Professor at Azuza Pacific University, talked about writing nonfiction. During my free time, I found a table in the great outdoors and read a few chapters from his book, When God Takes Too Long: Learning to Thrive During Life’s Delays. Principle 3 resonated with me: “Remember your identity in God during the long days of waiting.”

Joanne Bischof discussed book marketing strategies and about how she created YouTube videos and beautiful book covers. Her refreshing approach to marketing challenged the group to promote books in enjoyable and authentic ways. Joanne also participated in the Genre Meet-up for those interested in fiction.

As I drove home, I thought about the day.

Thank you, God, for my time in the mountains with other like-minded authors. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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