Wisdom Prayer

Take Comfort!

Take Comfort!

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those who take comfort in you during the storms of life because of your promises and rules. In Jesus’ name, amen.

With all the expectations, responsibilities, and tasks people have, some would welcome being able to take comfort in something. Anything.

God’s promise and his rules of old give the psalmist comfort as recorded in Psalm 119:49-53 (ESV).

“Remember your word to your servant,
in which you have made me hope.
This is my comfort in my affliction,
that your promise gives me life.
The insolent utterly deride me,
but I do not turn away from your law.
When I think of your rules from of old,
I take comfort, O Lord.
Hot indignation seizes me because of the wicked,
who forsake your law.”

Need comfort during the powerful storms of life?

It is time to return to God’s word. Take comfort that the words of Scripture are true and consistent.

Tell me what you think in the comments below.