Labor Day 2021: Ten Motivating Things
What motivates you at work?

As a speech teacher, I would often begin the lesson on persuasion by writing a question on the board: “What motivates people?”
I would encourage students to start shouting out their answers: “pride,” “money,” “fear,” “recognition,” “safety,” “faith,” and so on.
Recently, I was in a writing slump. I was struggling. so I wrote a list of things that keep me motivated to do my best work:
1. My faith in Christ and the Bible;
2. Love of family and friends;
3. Service to others;
4. Discovering and learning new things;
5. Making lists and setting goals. Accomplishing the goals is even more fun;
6. Famous quotations, memes, positive posts, and uplifting stories;
7. Hearing a good sermon or attending an informative seminar or lecture;
8. Listening to my eclectic music playlist that includes Christian, country, rock, classical, and international music;
9. Imagining myself being in the mountains where I can see beautiful panoramas and smell pine trees in the forest; being near the ocean, and hearing the wave’s crash and breathe in the salty, sea air; being in the desert at sunrise and sunset with the vibrant colors, and after dark, far from the city lights, looking up at the spectacular star-filled sky in awe the Creator; and
10. Receiving positive feedback from readers.
Once out of my writing slump, I realized my list was a great source of inspiration.
I encourage you to make your own list of things that motivate you.
Tell me what you think below and please join me every day as we pray for wisdom by taking part in the Wisdom Prayer Challenge.