From The Author

I Love to Write. I Love to Write Books. I Love to Write Children’s Books.

I Love to Write. I Love to Write Books. I Love to Write Children’s Books.

The last several weeks I have been working with a high performance coach. One task my coach assigned has led me learn more about my competition.

Months ago, before I ever landed my seven-book publishing contract, I did an exhaustive search of comparable titles related to my first book. This ended up being one section of the book proposal that won me the contract.

Yet, once I had my list of titles I thought I was finished, so I went on to work on other things.

My coach asked me to delve deeper in to the habits of the authors of successful children’s books.  I have looked at books, the author’s websites, and the book’s and author’s presence on Amazon. Integrating these has given me a new appreciation for the interrelationship between a book, the author’s website, and book marketing.

I am excited to report that this research project has reignited my desire to rise to the occasion and be the best children’s book author I can be. Researching and learning from other great authors, who are some of the best of the best in the business, is revolutionizing how I view serving those who will eventually buy my books.

All I needed was for my coach to point me in the right direction, and I was off and running.

Let me know if you have had a similar experience.

Tell me what you think below and please join me every day as we pray for wisdom by taking part in the Wisdom Prayer Challenge.

From The Author

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) Starts Today!

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) Starts Today!

TEvery November, tens of thousands of people accept the challenge to write a 50,000-word novel during National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).

I exceed the 50,000-word goal on two different occasions. For example, during November, 2020, I was not alone. That year, I was part of a weekly support group that met to provide affirming encouragement. We shared our progress, discussed how to overcome setbacks, and rejoiced as we celebrated victories. That year our group logged over 350,000 total words.

Want to accept the challenge? Here are a few tips that may make your dream of writing a novel in a month become a reality.

  1. Know what kind of writer you are: So-called plotters plan in advance. They create character sketches, write detailed outlines, and do extensive research before writing their novel. In contrast, so-called pantsers simply write by the seat of their pants. They start with an idea and write. Most people are hybrids.
  2. Focus on getting the story written then get it right. Many people are perfectionists. Don’t become distracted. Make your NaNoWriMo goal to create the first draft. Wait until December to start editing.
  3. Do not get derailed. Make a notation or add an asterisk to indicate more information is needed. Search the asterisks in December and make the corrections then.
  4. Write every day. November has thirty days, so an author needs to average 1,667 words every day.
  5. Dictate! Open an email. Address it to yourself. Find the microphone and start transcribing the text you want. When finished dictating, send the file to yourself. Open the email. Copy the text to a word or Scrivener document and edit. Then count the words as part of your word count for the day.
  6. Silence the critics. Do not listen to the internal voices that can sabotage creativity and zap motivation. Do not listen to naysayers. Manage the self-talk and negativity. Zero in on the task of writing.
  7. Sitting at the keyboard and nothing is happening? Free writing can jumpstart the creative juices. Start writing anything. Write about the day. What was for breakfast? It often takes a few minutes. Once warmed up, get back to writing the story.
  8. Do not give up!
  9. The NaNoWriMo website ( a way to track daily word count totals. Sign in and customize your page. Read the encouraging emails from those involved in the challenge.
  10. Earn a certificate if you sign in, log in your progress every day, and reach 50,000 words. Plan to frame your certificate. Did I say sign in every day before 12:00 midnight.

Get motivated, get inspiration, and write.

Have fun. You are not alone.

Tell me what you think below and please join me every day as we pray for wisdom by taking part in the Wisdom Prayer Challenge.