Wisdom Prayer

Sing Songs of Salvation!

Sing Songs of Salvation!

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those who sing glad songs of salvation. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Sing of redemption and deliverance. God can do amazing things.

The word “valiantly” in the following verse has many meanings: bravely, courageously, fearlessly, and nobly.

Psalm 118:14-16 (ESV) is about song, salvation, and the right hand of the Lord.

“The Lord is my strength and my song;
he has become my salvation.
Glad songs of salvation
are in the tents of the righteous:
‘The right hand of the Lord does valiantly,
the right hand of the Lord exalts,
the right hand of the Lord does valiantly!’”

When a crisis comes, rely on your musical memory, or pull out a hymnal. Praise God! Sing glad songs.

Tell me what you think in the comments below.

Wisdom Prayer

Songs of Salvation?

Songs of Salvation?

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those who sing glad songs of salvation. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Sing of redemption and deliverance. God can do amazing things.

The word “valiantly” in the following verses has many synonyms including bravely, courageously, fearlessly, and nobly.

Psalm 118:14-16 (ESV) is about song, salvation, and the right hand of the Lord.

“The Lord is my strength and my song;
he has become my salvation.
Glad songs of salvation
are in the tents of the righteous:
‘The right hand of the Lord does valiantly,
the right hand of the Lord exalts,
the right hand of the Lord does valiantly!’”

When a crisis comes, it may be time to pull out a hymnal and start to sing. Or rely on your musical memory. So praise and sing glad songs.

Tell me what you think in the comments below.

Wisdom Prayer

Do Valiantly?

Do Valiantly?

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those who know with God we shall do valiantly. In Jesus’ name, amen.

David wrote Psalm 108. He knew God gave the decedents of Abraham the Promised Land after wandering in the desert. David appeals to god to help him against his opponents. The notes in the English Standard Version explains that in Psalm 60 there is a “campaign” that lead to Edom. In verse Psalm 108:10 Edom is a foe of God’s people.

By the end of Psalm 108:7-13 (ESV) we see that David is confident that with God it will be possible to tread down the foes.

“God has promised in his holiness:
‘‘With exultation I will divide up Shechem
and portion out the Valley of Succoth.
Gilead is mine; Manasseh is mine;
Ephraim is my helmet,
Judah my scepter.
Moab is my washbasin;
upon Edom I cast my shoe;
over Philistia I shout in triumph.’

Who will bring me to the fortified city?
Who will lead me to Edom?
Have you not rejected us, O God?
You do not go out, O God, with our armies.
Oh grant us help against the foe,
for vain is the salvation of man!
With God we shall do valiantly;
it is he who will tread down our foes.”

Even if the odds seem stacked against victory, God is still in control. By the end of Psalm 108, David seems sure his foes would be defeated. Are you confident that God can fight and win your battles? Pray. Even if there are setbacks, God ultimately “will tread down our foes.”

Tell me what you think in the comments below.