Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those who praise you with an upright heart when they learn your righteous rules. In Jesus’ name, amen.
The Bible provides God’s Law in the Ten Commandments. If worshipers would be willing to keep God’s law, then the world would be a different place.
Image if, in today’s culture, murder and thievery stopped and children began honoring their parents. Society would change completely.
Although this is not going to happen, there are believers who desire to follow God. These people do obey the commandments. When they fall short, it is best when they ask forgiveness, repent, and turn from their wicked ways.
Psalm 119:4-8 (ESV) is about having a sincere desire to follow God’s law.
“You have commanded your precepts
to be kept diligently.
Oh that my ways may be steadfast
in keeping your statutes!
Then I shall not be put to shame,
having my eyes fixed on all your commandments.
I will praise you with an upright heart,
when I learn your righteous rules.[b]
I will keep your statutes;
do not utterly forsake me!”
Look at your life. Are you even trying to keep God’s law? If there is something that needs to be changed, than make a mental not of it, and start acting in accordance with God’s law.
Tell me what you think in the comments below.