Wisdom Prayer

An Excellent Wife is the Crown of Her Husband!

An Excellent Wife is the Crown of Her Husband!

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those who know an excellent wife is the crown of her husband. In Jesus’ name, amen.

My wife and I are about to celebrate our thirty-third wedding anniversary. It is hard to believe that so much time has passed. There are many highlights we experienced during our years of marriage.

Like Proverbs 12:4 (ESV) says,

“An excellent wife is the crown of her husband,
but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones.”

We have a long list of things to be thankful for.

My wife has been and remains an excellent wife. I have been truly blessed by our relationship. My wife was forty-two when we got married. She was faithful to God while she was single.

She is my crown.

Are you equally blessed? Celebrate your relationship, and make the precious moments count.

If you are struggling, ask for divine guidance.

Tell me what you think in the comments below.

Wisdom Prayer

An Excellent Wife is the Crown of Her Husband!

An Excellent Wife is the Crown of Her Husband!

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those who know an excellent wife is the crown of her husband. In Jesus’ name, amen.

My wife and I recently celebrated our thirty-second wedding anniversary. It is hard to believe that so much time has passed. When we were out to dinner on our special date night, we made a list of some the highlights we experienced during our years of marriage.

Like Proverbs 12:4 (ESV) says,

“An excellent wife is the crown of her husband,
but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones.”

We had a long list of things to be thankful for. My wife has been and remains an excellent wife. I have been truly blessed by our relationship/ She is my crown.

Are you equally blessed? Celebrate your relationship, and make the precious moments count.

Tell me what you think in the comments below.