Wisdom Prayer

Wise vs. Foolish Children!

Wise vs. Foolish Children!

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those raising children. In Jesus’s name, amen.

Today, some parents tell their children they are proud of them. While decades ago, some parents did not praise their children because they thought the child would become prideful or worse.

Proverbs 10:1 (ESV) tells how parents can be affected by a wise son verses a foolish one.

“A wise son makes a glad father,
but a foolish son is a sorrow to his mother.”

Some children are starved for their parent’s approval. A father would be glad to have a wise child. How difficult it would be for the mother of a foolish child.

Instill wisdom in the next generation.

Tell me what you think in the comments below.

Wisdom Prayer

Wise vs. Foolish Children!

Wise vs. Foolish Children!

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those raising children.

Today, some parents tell their children they are proud of them. While decades ago, some parents did not praise their children because they thought the child would become prideful or worse.

Proverbs 10:1 (ESV) tells how parents can be affected by a wise son verses a foolish one.

“A wise son makes a glad father,
but a foolish son is a sorrow to his mother.”

Some children are starved for their parent’s approval. When a child does something right or well, consider telling him or her how proud you are. A father would be glad to have a wise child. How difficult it would be for the mother of a foolish child. Are you wise or foolish? If the latter, take corrective steps.

Tell me what you think in the comments below.

A Tribute Letter

A Tribute Letter to Florence Leona Conrad

A Tribute Letter to Florence Leona Conrad

In 1994, Dennis Rainey, of Family Life, wrote a book with David Boehi titled The Tribute: What Every Parent Longs to Hear… This book was the reason I decided to write a letter of tribute to each of my parents back in the 1990s before they passed away. My wife and I treated my parents to a special meal at an upscale restaurant. It was there that I read the letters to them.

Earlier today, when I rediscovered that Dennis Rainey book on my bookcase, it brought back a flood of memories. Imagine my surprise when I opened the book and discovered the original letters I had written and read to my parents before they passed away.

Thank You, Mother
Written to Florence Leona Conrad

The commandment is clear: “Honor your father and mother.”

In the New Testament, it says in Romans 12:10, “…Honor one another above yourselves.” Now, it is time to pay “tribute” to you, Mom.

I want to you to know I am grateful for so much. As I compiled this list, I got choked up thinking about these and all the selfless decisions you made in favor of our family. I am truly thankful…

For your waving to me as I boarded the bus on my way to elementary school.

For sowing the patches and arrows on my Cub Scout shirt.

For being baptized with me on Pentecost Sunday and supporting my attending Sunday School.

For gingerbread with whipped cream and for letting me lick the whipped cream from the blades of the blender.

For encouraging and putting up with my paraphernalia collecting.

For coming to see me speak at the Optimist Club and attending a special speech night at Los Angeles High School.

For showing concern when my bird, Michael, died.

For hanging plaques and displaying prominently various trophies and other honors. They never seem to tarnish while they resided where you place them.

For serenades you would sing while playing the organ.

For saving truckloads of my old toys and other memorabilia.

For driving me to the Dating Game show and trying to get the tape for so many years.

For going to graduation ceremonies.

For sanding so many pieces of furniture.

For conversations at the end of the day over a snack.

For loving me when I was bad.

I want to acknowledge and praise you for your patience with me. Thank you for forgiving me. You never stopped loving me. For all these things and so many more, I will be eternally grateful.

Love, Dennis.

Join me every day as we pray for wisdom by taking part in the Wisdom Prayer Challenge.