From The Author

What Makes a Great Mentor?

What Makes a Great Mentor?

A great mentor will listen, help a person weigh options, help them arrive at practical solutions to difficult problems, and ask probing questions that allow the mentee to make wise choices.

Have you felt like you needed a mentor who could guide you to make wise decisions?

Nearly two decades ago, I found A. Christensen. His background includes having worked for Young Life. He became a Marriage and Family Therapist. Later in his career, he served as a Fire Department Chaplin.

Since he retired, we have been getting together once a week, or every other week, over a cup of coffee.

My mentor listens.
To best use my mentor’s background and expertise, I get prepared in advance. I usually bring two copies of handouts I want to discuss. As we go through them, he is attentive and takes notes.

My mentor helps me weigh options.
When considering my preferences, I can think of more than a few different courses of action. One handout deals with personal matters. For example, given my wife had brain surgery in 2019, we talk about what are the best care options. I also usually prepare a Writing Report that chronicles my writing career. He has helped me make many important decisions. Overall, he has helped me better use my time, talent, treasure, and mental abilities as a writer.

My mentor helps me arrive at practical solutions.
Did I say that my mentor is wise? He is! Last time we met, we were discussing my hopes and dreams for the coming year. After I had shared my plans, he said, “It is great you have all these goals and plans, but the key is implementing them.” Fortunately for me, he helped me narrow the scope of  my plans. Then he helped me look at the challenges and come up with practical solutions.

My mentor asks the right questions.
He will ask questions and guide the discussion, so it will lead to me to the answers. For example, he recently asked, “Do you have too many things on your list?” This question usually makes me stop and ponder if I will be over-committed and unable to realistically accomplish all the tasks on my list. Then I adjust.

I have a great mentor. Mr. Christensen is a huge blessing in my life. He is not only my mentor, he is a great friend. I appreciate our relationship, and am thankful for all the times we have shared.

Tell me what you think below and please join me every day as we pray for wisdom by taking part in the Wisdom Prayer Challenge.