From The Author

A Time for Reflection: Joseph J. Gould – A Friend Remembered

A Time for Reflection: Joseph J. Gould – A Friend Remembered.

The other day, I had breakfast with my friend, David. He gave me some pictures that brought back memories of a number of our friends and his father who now have passed away. We reminisced about the good old days. I mentioned I had written something right after his father had passed away in 2005. Well, I looked in my computer and found what I had written. This is a long overdue obituary for a man who encouraged me when I was growing up.

In 2005 I wrote the following:

Less than two hours ago, I learned of the death of a long-time friend. Knowing someone from age 16 until now has been great. It gives my life meaning to have spent time with Joe Gould. He was an example: He served in the U.S. military; and he was a Scout Leader for many years.

Through his contacts, I was able to find one of my first jobs; I started my work career on a Hollywood parking lot. (Knowing his sons helped.)

He encouraged me to create a speech for a competition at the Chinatown Optimist Club.  This man served as a life-long champion of youth and his community.

He was the founding owner of Hollywood National Bank. One time, when he was serving as an LA-area bank president for another bank, and I was working as a “headhunter.” He needed an employee to fill a spot as a branch manager. Although his criteria sounded impossible, he gave me a shot at filling the position, and, yes, I located the person he ultimately selected.

I still see him vibrant and alive: as husband of his beloved Dorothy, father to Marc (and his long-time girlfriend, Cindy) and David (and his wife, Deborah), as grandfather to Yona, D’ror (A.K.A. Justin) and Sarah, and as an uncle and relative of so many.

He was an incredible mentor and encourager. As a Boy Scouts of America leader he helped countless children as they grew into adulthood. He was active in the religious life of the Jewish community. He and his wife, together, were advocates of Soviet Jewry.

Additionally, it was through the gracious sponsorship of exchange students, coming in and out of the home from faraway places, I made other life-long friends. Although many friends and relatives I see only occasionally at family functions, I know this man was forever loved and respected.

I want to add my prayers to the many who are praying for the family at this time. May God bless, and keep all who morn this man’s passing.

When you think of the “good old days,” who comes to mind? Reach out to him or her and tell them what they mean to you. If they have passed, write something in memorial, and share with their loved ones.

Tell me what you think below and please join me every day as we pray for wisdom by taking part in the Wisdom Prayer Challenge.