Wisdom Prayer

Are You Ready to Trust, Incline, Hear, and Apply?

Are You Ready to Trust, Incline, Hear, and Apply?

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those who put their trust in you. In Jesus’s name, amen.

King Solomon reiterates a person should put their trust in the Lord.

Proverbs 22:17-19 (ESV) uses vivid language when telling readers what to do. “Incline,” “hear,” and “apply.” He also uses the words, “keep” and “ready.”

“Incline your ear, and hear the words of the wise,
and apply your heart to my knowledge,
for it will be pleasant if you keep them within you,
if all of them are ready on your lips.
That your trust may be in the Lord,
I have made them known to you today, even to you.”

Decide to trust in the Lord. From now on, follow his ways as described in this section of Scripture.

Tell me what you think in the comments below.

Wisdom Prayer

Trust, Incline, Hear, and Apply!

Trust, Incline, Hear, and Apply!

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those who put their trust in you. In Jesus’ amen.

King Solomon reiterates a person should put their trust in the Lord.

Proverbs 22:17-19 (ESV) uses vivid language when telling readers what to do. “Incline.” “Hear.” and “Apply.” He also uses the words, “keep,” and “ready.”

“Incline your ear, and hear the words of the wise,
and apply your heart to my knowledge,
for it will be pleasant if you keep them within you,
if all of them are ready on your lips.
That your trust may be in the Lord,
I have made them known to you today, even to you.”

Decide to trust in the Lord. From now on, follow his ways as described in this section of Scripture.

Tell me what you think in the comments below.