A Tribute Letter

A Letter of Tribute To Dan U.L. Conrad

A Letter of Tribute To Dan U.L. Conrad

In 1994, Dennis Rainey, of Family Life, wrote a book with David Boehi titled The Tribute: What Every Parent Longs to Hear… This book was the reason I decided to write a letter of tribute to each of my parents back in the 1990s before they passed away. My wife and I treated my parents to a special meal at an upscale restaurant. It was there that I read the letters to them.

Earlier today, when I rediscovered that Dennis Rainey book on my bookcase, it brought back a flood of memories. Imagine my surprise when I opened the book and discovered the original letters I had written and read to my parents before they passed away.

Thank You, Father
Written to Dan U.L. Conrad

The commandment is clear: Honor your father and mother. In the New Testament, it says in Romans 12:10, “…Honor one another above yourselves.” Now, it is time to pay “tribute” to you, Dad.

I want you to know that I am grateful for so much.

As I compiled this list, I got choked up thinking about these and all the selfless decisions you made in favor of our family. I am truly thankful for…

Your providing a steady paycheck for the family and creating a sense of security and stability in my life.

The memory of feeling your whiskers when you’d wrestle me.

Taking me fishing to a stocked pond on a school day.

Buying me a bird, a hamster, and helping me to care for my pets when I did not.

Letting me take my bird in the car on a trip to Kansas and letting be bring back turtles.

Helping with science fair projects like the ones on Babbitt and the Electric Dam Project, and making a wood car for Cub Scouts.

Listening to “baseball” on the radio with me.

Standing up with me when I broke a window with a baseball. You showed me I need to apologize and be responsible; you repaired it while I helped and watched.

Faithfully going to church.

Driving my friends and me, when it was your turn, to Lutheran Catechism and driving me on my paper route when it was rainy.

Listening to speeches over and over, correcting me without judgment.

Being generous by giving me extra spending money and encouraging me to take care of my car.

Getting me up in the morning, so I would not be late to college.

Picking me up from the airport after trips.

Being proud of me when you talked with your friends.

Spending time in the garage, cleaning, clearing, sorting, and sharing your dream of giving your tools away as gifts.

Dad, I want you to know how very much I appreciate you.

I love you, DAD! Thanks!

Love, Dennis.

Join me every day as we pray for wisdom by taking part in the Wisdom Prayer Challenge.

Wisdom Prayer

Provoke Children to Anger?

Provoke Children to Anger?

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for parents as they bring up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In the process of disciplining and instructing children, anger can appear out of almost nowhere.

Once at the proverbial boiling point, the anger can move from emotion to action.

Many deeply regret the comments made in anger or actions spurred on by anger.

When either of these happens, stop and ask for forgiveness: Ask for God’s forgiveness, and ask the offended person or person for forgiveness.

The Apostle Paul had a special message for proper family dynamics and wrote specifically about anger in Ephesians 6:1-4 (ESV):

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. ‘Honor your father and mother’ (this is the first commandment with a promise), ‘that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.’ Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

If there a need to address unresolved family issues, do not delay. Take steps to heal. If you have been wronged, be willing to forgive the transgressor.

Tell me what you think below.