Wisdom Prayer

Does The Lord Turn a King’s Heart?

Does The Lord Turn a King’s Heart?

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those who know the Lord turns a king’s heart wherever he will. In Jesus’s name, amen.

World leaders are powerful people. They have advisors, security details, supporters, and detractors.

Some think they are in control. But this is not the case.

Proverbs 21:1 (ESV) tells us who is in charge.

“The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.”

Some people act like kings in the workplace and at home.

Stop thinking business and political leaders have destiny in their hands.

Rather, acknowledge God!

He is the true power behind the throne. Behind your throne, too.

Tell me what you think in the comments below.

Wisdom Prayer

Do You Acquire and Seek Knowledge?

Do You Acquire and Seek Knowledge?

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those who acquire and seek knowledge. In Jesus’s name, amen.

How do you make decisions?

Before making a decision, consider what Scripture says in Proverbs 18:15 (ESV).

“An intelligent heart acquires knowledge,
and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.”

Consider what the notes for verses 18:15-19 say in the English Standard Version, published by Crossway.

“These proverbs could be applied to many settings in life, though here they seem to be particularly focused on a courtroom setting. In hearing a case, one should see with one’s heart (Hb. leb, “reason, emotions, and will) to acquire knowledge, and likewise with one’s ear to listen carefully to what is being said, for that is the way that the wise (person) seeks knowledge.”

In both cases, the aim is knowledge. Trust God to provide the knowledge you need.

The next time you make a decision won’t you listen with your heart and ears?

Tell me what you think in the comments below.

Wisdom Prayer

Does the Lord Establish Your Steps?

Does the Lord Establish Your Steps?

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those who know the heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. In Jesus’s name, amen.

Perhaps you have a seen a child demanding to have their own way, and throwing a tantrum. Some adults are no different. When things don’t turn out the way they want, adult men or women can react with their own tantrums. Sometimes the manifest as angry outbursts.

Proverbs 16:9 (ESV) is about a man’s plans and how the Lord is involved.

“The heart of man plans his way,
but the Lord establishes his steps.”

Don’t take steps expecting to always get your way.

Avoid the tantrums and outbursts. Rather remember Proverb 16:9, and accept that you can have the plans, but the Lord is in control of how things unfold.

Tell me what you think in the comments below.

Wisdom Prayer

Dealing with Bad News!

Dealing with Bad News!

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those who are not afraid of bad news. In Jesus name, amen.

Bad news can come from media, family, friends, doctors, and the list goes on. How do you react to bad news?

Whatever the source of the news, God tells is in Psalm 112:7-8 (ESV) how a person who fears (respects) the Lord and delight in his commandments responds.

“He is not afraid of bad news;
his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord.
His heart is steady; he will not be afraid,
until he looks in triumph on his adversaries.”

Believers have a choice how they react to bad news. Trust scripture. God knows the bad news before you do. Do not fear. Be firm. Trust God, Have a steady heart. Be reminded again not to be afraid.

Tell me what you think in the comments below.

Wisdom Prayer

Heart and Flesh Sing for Joy!

Heart and Flesh Sing for Joy!

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those whose heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Imagine a group of believers singing for joy in church. In contrast, imagine a stadium filled with people singing along with the-latest-and-greatest popular, secular musicians. Both may make pleasant melodies, but those worshiping God have a spiritual component those in the secular stadium are missing.

In Psalm 84:1-4 9 (ESV) the psalmist says his heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God.

“How lovely is your dwelling place,
O Lord of hosts!
My soul longs, yes, faints
for the courts of the Lord;
my heart and flesh sing for joy
to the living God.

Even the sparrow finds a home,
and the swallow a nest for herself,
where she may lay her young,
at your altars, O Lord of hosts,
my King and my God.
Blessed are those who dwell in your house,
ever singing your praise! Selah

Are you as dedicated as the psalmist? Does your heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God? Why? Or why not? Do you know the living God? If not, read The Four Spiritual Laws.

Imagine singing along with the psalmist. Let your heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God.

Tell me what you think in the comments below.

Wisdom Prayer

Is Your Heart in Anguish?

Is Your Heart in Anguish?

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those whose hearts are in anguish. In Jesus’ name, amen.

“Ever have the urge to just fly away? David, the psalmist, did. His heart was in anguish. He was trembling. He was overwhelmed with horror.

In Psalm 55:4-8 (ESV) David says what he would do if he had wings.

“My heart is in anguish within me;
the terrors of death have fallen upon me.
Fear and trembling come upon me,
and horror overwhelms me.
And I say, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove!
I would fly away and be at rest;
yes, I would wander far away;
I would lodge in the wilderness; Selah
I would hurry to find a shelter
from the raging wind and tempest.”

Want to escape? Unable to fly away? Trust God. He will provide.

Tell me what you think in the comments below.