Wisdom Prayer

Honor the Legacy of Believers!

Honor the Legacy of Believers!

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those who honor the legacy of believers. In Jesus’ name, amen.

The stories told in the book of 1 Samuel are epic in proportion.

1 Samuel chapter one tells us Hanna prayed for a child, and the Prophet Eli thought she was drunk.

When she conceived, and the baby was born, she wanted to honor God, so she took her son, Samuel, and dedicated him to the Lord’s service.

When the people of Israel demanded a King, God used Samuel to identify and install Israel’s first king, King Saul. There were even military victories God orchestrated.

After Saul’s fall from grace, Samuel looked for and found Jesse’s youngest son, David, and anointed him as the future king.

At the end of 1 Samuel 25:1 (ESV) we read what happened to Samuel.

“Now Samuel died. And all Israel assembled and mourned for him, and they buried him in his house at Ramah.”

Samuel left quite a legacy, and the people of Israel gathered together to honor him.

People important to us are all around. Do not take them for granted.

I encourage you to take time to honor the legacy they have left. Don’t wait! Thank them now.

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