From The Author

Did You Know Not All Christian Writers Are Called?

Did You Know Not All Christian Writers Are Called?

I have been rereading Writing in Obedience by Terry Burns and Linda W. Yezak for a second time.

The authors bring up an interesting point. Some Christian writers feel called by God to write while for others view their writing as an offering.

Terry, for example, felt led to write one of his books, Mysterious Ways, under a calling. It is the story of a swindler who poses as a minister.

When the book was published , Terry was surprised. Convicts started to write emails and letters saying they identified with the lead character. One person wrote from prison, “Something like, ‘I know this is just a story, but I got to thinking if this guy had been able to turn his life around, maybe there is hope for me yet.’” (Writing in Obedience, Page 9)

Linda, in contrast, wrote she never had the honor of God calling her to write. Rather, since she was a young child, her writing has been because of who she was as a Christian.

She admits there was a time it was hard for her to hear other authors talk about their calling. She was jealous.

Then Linda attended one of Terry’s writing classes. She realized her writing, although different from those who are called, was of no less value. Whether written under a calling or as an offering, God gets the glory.

If what you do is a calling or an offering, make sure to give God all the glory.

As I begin work on the second book in my seven book series, I am seeking God’s direction. Please pray.

See my blog post about my being called to write.

Tell me what you think below and please join me every day as we pray for wisdom by taking part in the Wisdom Prayer Challenge.