From The Author

The Great Ice Cream Reunion in San Diego, California

The Great Ice Cream Reunion in San Diego, California

Where were you sixteen years ago?

That is how many years had passed since one man and his three sisters were all together in the same place.

I was privileged to attend the august occasion being the husband of one of the sisters.

The blissful reunion was a sight to behold. After picking up one sister in San Diego, the family made their way to Balboa Park. Although it was raining early in the day, it turned into an enjoyable time for a stroll down memory lane. The siblings were raised in Escondido and had fond memories of the area.

Most importantly, the loved ones enjoyed spending time together and  making new memories. Two stopped at a hot dog stand. Then there were interactions with a wide variety of vendors.

After a leisurely meal at Balboa Park’s Prado Restaurant, the siblings walked to the Organ Pavilion.

It was getting near dusk, but then a glorious rainbow appeared.

As it got dark, the unanimous decision was to go to the North Hills Baskin Robins for an ice cream celebration.

Can you taste the ice cream?

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