From The Author

Six Year-End Questions That Demand an Answer

Six Year-End Questions That Demand an Answer

Happy New Year!

As this year concludes, take a few minutes to reflect on the last twelve months.

Question 1: How was your year on a scale of one to ten, ten being best?

Question 2: What did you learn?

Question 3: What did you like best?

Question 4: Is there anything you would do differently next time?

Question 5: What were the top three challenges you faced or are still facing?

Question 6: What steps can you take to assure next year will be better than this past year?

Take as little or as much time answering these questions as you want.

This is by no means a comprehensive list, so I give you permission to make up your own questions.

Why not take a minute now and answer them. Don’t procrastinate.

Now, get ready to have a great year!

Tell me what you think below and please join me every day as we pray for wisdom by taking part in the Wisdom Prayer Challenge.