Wisdom Prayer

Do Not Envy People Of Violence!

Do Not Envy People Of Violence!

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those who do not envy people of violence. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Many individuals try to blur the lines between good and evil. In Scripture, there is a clear distinction between the two. Evil doers are violent, devious, and wicked.

Proverbs 3:31-35 (ESV) shows the contrast between evil ones and the righteous.

“Do not envy a man of violence
and do not choose any of his ways,
for the devious person is an abomination to the Lord,
but the upright are in his confidence.
The Lord’s curse is on the house of the wicked,
but he blesses the dwelling of the righteous.
Toward the scorners he is scornful,
but to the humble he gives favor.
The wise will inherit honor,
but fools get disgrace.”

The wise ultimately get the prize by inheriting honor. Avoid blurring the lines and rationalizing away evil.

Tell me what you think in the comments below.

Wisdom Prayer

Do Not Envy People Of Violence!

Do Not Envy People Of Violence!

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom for those who do not envy people of violence. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Many individuals try to blur the lines between good and evil. In Scripture, there is a clear distinction between the two. Evil doers are violent, devious, and wicked.

Proverbs 3:31-35 (ESV) shows the contrast between evil ones and the righteous.

“Do not envy a man of violence
and do not choose any of his ways,
for the devious person is an abomination to the Lord,
but the upright are in his confidence.
The Lord’s curse is on the house of the wicked,
but he blesses the dwelling of the righteous.
Toward the scorners he is scornful,
but to the humble he gives favor.
The wise will inherit honor,
but fools get disgrace.”

The wise ultimately get the prize by inheriting honor. Avoid blurring the lines and rationalizing away evil.

Tell me what you think in the comments below.