From The Author

Exceptional Customer Service

Exceptional Customer Service

For a time in my life, I had the pleasure of working as a professional speaker for Fred Pryor Seminars.

After being with the company a short time, I was given the opportunity of a lifetime. I was asked to travel to teach in the United Kingdom.

It was a few days before I was about to embark on the two-week swing, when at the last minute, I was told, “While you are there, you need to present an in-house seminar for a company.”

I had never taught the “Exceptional Customer Service” seminar before. I wanted to go on the trip, so I accepted the assignment. Soon I became comfortable with the content. As you might imagine, I spent hours practicing to be ready for the six-hour seminar.

When I finally arrived on site, I was fully prepared to speak to a large group. I quickly learned the company was very small, and less than ten people planned to attend.

Fortunately, I knew my material and related several personal stories about customer service.

I can still see the room where we met. The staff’s sole purpose that day was to take part in the training. The energy in the room was upbeat because the team did not have to work.

The rest of the trip, I taught “Coaching Skills for Managers and Supervisors,” and “Business Writing for Results.” One morning I went to a theater in the heart of London. I taught Business Writing for Results. There were five hundred people in attendance. I guess you could say, That day, I taught the English a thing or two about English.”

The trip was a success, so much so that a few months later, I was asked to go again.

Want to read more about my time with Fred Pryor? Read how a missed plane turned into a real adventure.

The Night I Drove Over the Continental Divide

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