Wisdom Prayer

Me? Rejoice? It is Thanksgiving Day!

Me? Rejoice? It is Thanksgiving Day!

Dear Lord, I pray you give wisdom to those who need to be reminded to be thankful and to rejoice in the Lord always. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today is a day to be thankful to the Lord for all he has done. And, thus, it is time to rejoice.

Some believers get distracted and become preoccupied with self. Instead of that type of distraction, take an inventory of what is important.

Scripture sometimes makes a point by reiterating the same word twice in the same verse. Take notice. Paul, in Philippians 4:4 (ESV), gives us clear direction.

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.”

What does it mean to rejoice? Celebrate. Be glad. Exult. Express joy.

Take action now. Be Thankful and rejoice in the Lord!

Do it again!

Tell me what you think in the comments below.

From The Author

Increase Your Odds of Success

Increase Your Odds of Success

Feeling overwhelmed?
It is time to make a list!

Not just any list…

Write ALL you have going for you.

That’s right.

Right now, jot down a personal inventory of the attributes that equip you to succeed.

Don’t be modest.

It’s time to make a list that will prove to yourself you have the seeds of greatness.

If you have been procrastinating, begin a new project or get back to the one that is stalled out.

Based on your list, you have what it takes to finish what you’ve started.

Even if the odds are not in your favor, make progress and celebrate every victory.

When success seems illusive, look at the list to be reminded of how you can be an overcomer.

Post your list where you can see it.
Read it out loud. Often.

Now that you know your strengths, lean into them, and get to work.

Although your list is not a 100% guarantee of success, reminding yourself of who you are and what you are capable of has increased your odds.

Have a great week!

Tell me what you think below and please join me every day as we pray for wisdom by taking part in the Wisdom Prayer Challenge.


A Different Kind of Christmas

A Different Kind of Christmas

Remember the good old days when everything came together for Christmas.

All seemed to fall into place including the preparation, decorations, friends, family, and food. The celebrations made for a perfect holiday.

This year will not be the same. Whether it is because of the pandemic, or a family member with chronic illness, special needs, or dementia, this Christmas season will not replicate the fond memories of the past.

It is time to create new memories.

If this is going to be a different kind of Christmas, why not make the best of it. Adjust expectations and cater to your loved one’s needs.

One idea is to stretch out the season over a number of days. Instead of everything happening on Christmas day, schedule several more manageable events and activities like the following:

Tree Shopping                         Decorate the Tree

Family Visits                           Gift Exchange

Go See Christmas Lights        Bake Christmas Cookies

Watch a Holiday Movie          Enjoy Hot Coco

Listen to Christmas Music      Sing Christmas Carols

Send Christmas Cards            Go Christmas Shopping

Have a Special Dinner            Enjoy a Pizza Lunch

Attend a Church Service        Watch a Christmas Special

As things become more hectic, please be flexible. Give yourself grace. Take time to enjoy the season for what it truly is, the celebrations of the birth of Jesus Christ. Enjoy!

Tell me what you think below and please join me every day as we pray for wisdom by taking part in the Wisdom Prayer Challenge.

Wisdom Prayer

Me? Rejoice?

Me? Rejoice?

Dear Lord, I pray you give wisdom to those who need to be reminded to rejoice in the Lord always. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Some believers get distracted and become preoccupied with self.

Instead of that type of distraction, take an inventory of what is important.

Scripture sometimes makes a point by using a word twice in the same verse. Take notice.

Paul, in Philippians 4:4 (ESV), gives us clear direction:
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.”

What does it mean to rejoice? Celebrate. Be glad. Exult. Express joy.

Take action now. Rejoice in the Lord! Now. Do it again!

Tell me what you think below.