


Have you ever been accused of doing something wrong?

It happened to me when I was taking a college English class.

One assignment called for defining words and terms related to a topic of my choosing. I immediately knew what I wanted to write about: the terms related to speech and debate.

Why? I attended the University of Kansas Summer Debate Institute between my junior and senior years of high school. By the time I graduated from Los Angeles High School, I had earned the National Forensic League’s Double Ruby designation for competitive speaking. It so happened I was also on the university’s speech team.

I turned in my paper, and left class confident I had done my best work.

A few class meetings later, the teacher handed back the papers. I had high expectations.

The teacher gave back my paper, and that is when I saw the red “F.” There was also a note about plagiarism.

I was stunned. I scheduled a time to meet with the teacher during her office hours.

Later that afternoon, I went to the speech team’s office and met the head speech coach, John Tagg. I told him what happened, and asked him to read my English paper.

Right then, he sat down and typed a letter explaining that I knew all of the terms I wrote about in my paper.

Within a few days, I met with my English teacher, and when I showed her the letter, she changed my grade to an “A.”

Been accused? Pray. God can make a way.

Tell me what you think below and please join me every day as we pray for wisdom by taking part in the Wisdom Prayer Challenge.