The Valentine’s Day Birthday!

Meet my lovely wife, Diane. This was taken on our wedding day in June 1990.
Early February 1990 – Washington D.C.
My business associate and I arrived in Washington D.C. after a long flight from Los Angeles. We caught a taxi to our hotel, checked in, dropped off our luggage, and met in the hotel lobby. It was nighttime, and we asked at the front desk if anyone knew a good taxi driver who could take us around and show us the sights. Someone made a call, and soon we were off on the adventure of a lifetime.
We visited the Lincoln Memorial and saw where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. We stopped at the Vietnam Memorial, and drove past the Watergate Hotel.
The next day was all business. We went to the home office and started a week of intensive training. I lost track of dates and time.
Meanwhile Back in L.A. – February 14, 1990…
I had been dating Diane since the previous November. During our conversations, I brought up the idea of getting married.
Because I was so focused on my training, I forgot Diane’s Valentine’s Day Birthday!
Oblivious to my missing her special day, I was not reminded until I returned back home and opened a letter that read, “I am disappointed in you.”
I took immediate action. I bought her flowers, wrapped a gift, took her out for dinner, and did all I could to make amends.
Weeks later I proposed, and she accepted.
We were married in June.
Lesson Learned !
I guess you could say I learned my lesson. I have never missed her special day since. Why? I get Diane’s Valentine’ Day Birthday presents and wrap them well before Christmas.
Have a great weekend. Don’t forget. It is important to celebrate.
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God bless you and yours,