Zig Ziglar and Fifteen Things I Love About Writing

Zig Ziglar inspired millions with his lectures and his books like See You at the Top. He is perhaps best remembered for his uplifting and life-affirming talks. I was fortunate to see him in person.
A number of years later, I heard him giving a radio interview. He told the story about how he challenged members of an audience of business professionals to celebrate the positive things they liked best about where they worked. He allowed time for people to start writing their lists.
At the end of his talk, a woman approached him and said she had nothing on her list because she hated everything about her job. I recall Zig asked her several questions like the following:
– “Do you like the people where you work?”
– “No.”
– “Do you like the location of the office?”
– “No.”
– “Do you like the clients?”
– “No.”
– Finally he asked, “Do you like the pay?”
– “Oh yes. I love the pay,” she replied.
He suggested she start her list with that and add to it. His point was to start. One item would lead to others and end up being the catalyst for an improved attitude and work ethic. He told her she would probably enjoy her work more once she focused on the positive aspects of her job and what she like about it.
I felt Zig was onto something. So at that time, I wrote a list of all the things I liked about my job. It took a couple of days to make a comprehensive list.
I was surprised. Every time I reread the list, I was inspired to do my best work. I stopped taking my job for granted and started to celebrate everything about my career.
Flash forward several years: I am a full-time writer.
Here are fifteen things I love about my writing career:
1.- God has called me to write.
2.- God has blessed me with a desire to write.
3.- Although the words do not always flow easily, I feel good when I write.
4.- I am always learning something new.
5.- The process keeps my mind active and engaged.
6.- Writing for me involves the thrill of discovery.
7.- I like to edit and rewrite, so writing is like solving puzzles.
8.- Writing helps me think about problems, possible solutions, and next steps.
9.- When people read my work, they tell me they appreciate what I have had to say.
10.- It is thrilling to know that what I write can reach someone halfway around the world.
11.- When I see my writing published in print or online, I know my investment of time, talent, treasure, and brain power has been worth it.
12.- My goal of learning to write well motivates me to be the best writer I can be.
13.- I am thankful for being part of a great writing community. My circle of friends who write includes a wonderful group of very talented published and unpublished authors.
14.- I get to attend writers’ conferences. They offer a chance to network and learn the craft.
15.- I enjoy the marketing aspects of the writing profession.
As you can tell, I love what I do. I encourage you to write your own list. What do you like about your job/career?
Tell me what you think below.
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