A Friend Remembered
United States Marine Corps Major Tom Foster, Retired
(May 29, 1933-October 30, 2018)
I met Tom when I was invited to join a small group of men meeting every Wednesday at 7:00 a.m. for breakfast, fellowship, and prayer. We would meet at the original Coco’s Restaurant on Main Street in Barstow, California.
I met Tom when I was invited to join a small group of men meeting every Wednesday at 7:00 a.m. for breakfast, fellowship, and prayer. We would meet at the original Coco’s Restaurant on Main Street in Barstow, California.
Tom and I eventually found ourselves as the last members of the group. We kept meeting on Wednesdays at the International House of Pancakes until June 2017 when I moved out of the area.
Our favorite table was booth number 50 in the back room next to the window. If given another chance to sit down with Tom at IHOP, I would take time to reflect on what a positive influence he had been on the lives of so many people. Here is what I would say…
Tom, you laughed when you told me about being a young child. An older relative saw you weren’t working very hard, and he said, “Boy, you ain’t gonna amount to nothin’.”
You proved him wrong because you rose through the ranks to become a Major in the United States Marines.
There was a time I visited you in the hospital. You told me you needed to get well, so you would be able to give God all the glory, and tell more people about Jesus.
Tom, you were a prayer warrior. You shared many prayer requests for friends during our time together. Also, as was our custom, we would pray for the people and leaders of Barstow, the state of California, the nation, world leaders, and the troops stationed within the United States and around the world.
If someone, including our waitress, was in distress or had a concern in their lives, you would take the lead and ask if we could pray for them.
If they said yes, you would pray out loud.
Tom, you loved people. When we were at breakfast, it sometimes seemed like you knew everyone in Barstow. One morning, during our meal, several people came by to say hello including members of the community, friends from church, and people in politics. You made each person feel comfortable.
Tom, you were also generous. I watched you pick up the check for friends and a pastor and his wife more than once.
You also were an example of a godly husband. Every time we met, you expressed your deep love for Betty Lou. Together, we praised God for giving us, Godly wives.
You loved your family. Tom, you often told stories about your children, their families, your grandchildren, and other loved ones.
You loved the Gideon ministry. You served as Camp president and in other leadership positions. You brought DVDs from the International Convention for viewing at the monthly Gideon meetings.
You spoke to local churches about what was happening in the Gideon ministry around the world.
You helped distribute Bibles at local schools and during the holiday season at the Barstow Community College Festival of Lights and Learning.
You worked so hard as the California State-wide Membership Chairman that while meeting with a pastor in Arcadia you had a heart attack. It was life-changing.
You shared with me about your many travels and related how you and Betty Lou distributed Gideon New Testaments along the way.
For a time, you even served as the person in charge of finances for Desert Manna.
Tom, I could keep going.
Let me say thanks for sharing your life and for all the wonderful years of fellowship. Your example as a man of God and a person who loved people will live on in my memory.
Thanks for praying for me, and thanks for being my friend.